Available tutors

Need some help with your studies? Look no further than the LSA’s Tutorlink peer initiative. Access high-quality academic assistance by contacting the students below. 

Paije Davis

She has achieved HDs in:

  • Core 1: Russel McPhee
  • Core 2: Steve Bagi
  • Core 3: Daniel Brennan
  • Foundations of Public and Criminal Law: Joseph Crowley
  • Foundations of Private Law: Eugenia Giorgiades
  • Contract Law A: Kylie Fletcher
  • Tort Law: Joachim Dietrich
  • Property Law A: Winnie Ma
  • Business Law: Richard Baumfield
  • CILS: Brenda Marshall
  • Climate Law in Context: Nick James
  • Negotiating Climate Disputes: Laurence Boulle
  • Wild Law Jurisprudence: Nicole Rogers

She is graduating in 241.

Contact: [email protected]


Charlie Meynell

 Has achieved HDs in:

  • Foundation Private Law was in 231 with Alice Taylor
  • Contract Law A was in 232 with Tammy Johnson
  • Tort Law was in 232 with Matthew Lister.

Anticipating graduation end 2025.

Contact: charlie.meynell@student.bond.edu.au